I had a lovely day and hope to dive with you again

I dived with this dive centre on the 12/4/19. I emailed them ahead of my visit to Sri lanka and my emails were answered quickly and with the information i requested.I took this as a good sign. It was just before the Sri Lankan New Year and they told me they would be open till 12 noon on the day of my dive. I arrived at 8.30 am as instructed and was greeted warmly . I had 2 divemasters diving with me that day Mangala and Amila. Mangala dived with me on the SS Conch. Amila on a reef dive.The wreck was at a depth of 21 m and the reef about 12 m . Visibility was good , dives were interesting with lots of fish and even a lobster made an appearance. I would recommend this dive centre . Thank you to Amila , Mangala and to kaminder , the manager. I had a lovely day and hope to dive with you again.